As part of our curriculum and to bring more relevant real-life experience into the Economy/Business, Biology, and Chemistry classes, the students in high school (Grade 9 – 12) went on a field trip to The Pilot Farm Mouené Ndombi in …
Our four sports houses Black Bears, Green Gators, Red Lions and White Rhinos took part in exciting sporting activities today, admirably displaying teamwork and further strengthening our bond and togetherness. Congratulations to all who helped make this unforgettable day a …
AISB held its Spirit Week of the 2020-2021 school year in the week of February 8-12, 2021. Dress-up themes included Africa Day, Color day, Sports Day, Dress up like a teacher Day, and Twin Day. The week was very much …
On February 5th 2021, AISB held its second quarter awards ceremony. Many students were awarded certificates for their great work during the quarter. Congratulations to the award recipients and teaching staff for continuously helping our students reach their potential.