

The American International School Athletic Program offers student-athletes the perfect environment to embody the school’s mission and core beliefs. Nicknamed the “Hawks”, AISB’s athletic program  is an integral part of the school educational experience.  Through different teams and activities, the Hawks experience allows students to develop their leadership potential, teaches the value of teamwork, the cohesiveness of team building and the experience of competition in a safe environment.

Regardless of the field of activity, AISB encourages all  students to showcase their best talents in winning efforts, but also to demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for all whether they are on the pitch, in the pool, on the court or in the stands supporting their own.

AISB athletics offers competitive activities of all kinds both internally via school games such as “House Day”, and school-wide swimming competitions. Organized games are also offered in friendly competitions against other schools and through tournaments both locally and in neighboring countries.

AISB offers students participation in the following competitive fields:

High-School Boys Basketball
High-School Boys
Middle-School boys
High-School Girls Basketball
Table Tennis

About AISB Hawks: Athletics offer students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities and has the distinction of helping the development of physical, emotional, mental and social skills of all who participate.